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348 items found
- Codes for Better Communication -- Professional Ethics and Directory
This concept of the "external interpretator" can often fall prey to the authority fallac y. Humility in the Pursuit of Knowledge: After devising and teaching myself the Drug Lord Fallacy , I am
- Understanding the Purpose and Use of Shallowness
We should also forget the notion of FOMO, or the "fear of missing out," as that idea contains the fallacy
- The Need for a Positive Dream -- Origins of a Fatigued Mastermind
Shogunate" I was a philosophy undergraduate at a university during high school, trying to get my first degree We always spoke in different degrees of understanding, with mine being on the Macro and long term scale Degrees, academic prestige, the titles of "Doctor" and "Professor," even my declining ability to read
- On Physical Cover-ups -- Exploring The Functionality of Aesthetics
evil , from their "flying monkeys", and from those who justify such acts due to "the way things are" fallacy
- On the Path to Philosphership: Being Proven Wrong
tort est l’une des choses les plus importantes qu’un philosophe puisse expérimenter, quel que soit son degré Because our identities, to some degree, are built on our understanding of ourselves. One that is least to resort to unnecessary biases and fallacies.
- The Rubinshteinic Philosophy of Lying Low
Since norms are not of the same degree of importance as rules, there's little that prevents people from In a sense, we're all laying low, at varying degrees, because of the threat of foreign attention.
- On Respect -- How It's the Most Important Value Between Humans
have yet to hear of a job whose entire purpose is to make people praise or at least respect you to a degree You may be rich, academically educated, and so forth, but neither wealth nor degree can earn you the
- The "Wizard" and the "Sorcerer" Factions In Philosophy -- Proving Innate Philosophers Exist
Getting an academic degree is the most respected way to become a philosopher; however, some philosophers People often underestimate the natural talent to philosophize and believe a degree is needed to be an I do not have any degrees and yet I am good at philosophizing. Some of you thought I am a doctor, that I have a degree, that I am an academic lecturer. Negative. Those who are unable to read books or don't get a degree like me shouldn't be excluded by the academic
- The Ontology of Philosophies -- Why We Have Them
Should our imagination exist at the same degree of "existence" as the world beyond the mind, and it can In reality, however, each and every one of us may be delusional to a degree, as a result.
- Defining Success (Also - Philosocom's Directory for Success-related Articles)
Degrees to "back up" your intellect. While wealth, academic degrees and other conquests can be satisfying for many, it's not a universal
- The Undead and the Examination of Life -- The Dark Side of Enlightenment
, forcing us to confront our own mortality and the ultimate futility of our endeavors (the Eternity Fallacy
- Theatrics In Contemporary Philosophy -- Why I'm Against It
People who care more about things related to the ad-hominem fallacy, even though it should be clear to the rational man and woman why it's a fallacy in the first place. It's a fallacy because in philosophical discourse, the ideas exchanged matter far more than the people In fact, it is often a logical fallacy. That is because emotional experiences are more memorable. However, that is a fallacy by itself.
- Orthodox Paths: Benefits of Deviation and Stress Relief
"Yes, you must be successful, obey authorities , go to school, college, get degrees, have a high-paying I personally chose to stop getting my philosophy degree, despite enjoying the coursework and having the
- The Capacity of Human Emotion -- How To Be a Relentless Altruist
delude ourselves using our feelings towards this value, by unintentionally committing the parasocial fallacy Could I be making the strawman's fallacy by asking these questions?
- The Reverse Individuality Theory
It appears that there is a certain degree of normalcy that can make one unique enough than many "textbook
- The Rubinshteinic Way to Fortune
Partake in peaceful exchanges of ideas to learn about new things without spending much money on degrees
- How Philosophizing Shaped My Moral Life
Experiences once accepted at face value are now invaded by a questioning, inspecting it from every degree of context, can appear smaller, less significant compared to the vast canvas of existence, and the degrees
- The Sanctity of Memory: Insights on Memory and Nostalgia
Which means that any human is capable to be useful to a degree . That includes yourselves as well.
- The Main Elements of a Paying Job
Regardless of income, every job can be considered important to some degree.
- Stress and Exhaustion As a Philosopher -- How I Refuse to Relent
But this is a gross expression of the strawman's fallacy , that prioritizes stereotypical impressions
- The Problem With Destiny -- How It Could be Risky
Once we have established a greater degree of survivability, we can then focus on fulfilling our potential
- Functionality of Biology and Robotics -- How to Understand the Mechanisms of Reality
However, why must a machine have a specific degree of complexity, in order to be or not considered as A machine, like a car, consist of different parts, that correlate with each other to allow a degree
- Questioning the Human Social Nature
Yet, each of one of us possesses them, and each one of us at least in some kind of degree ought to limit Why would communication serve a wholly social purpose if it, at some degree, proves dysfunctional to the degree of the normative and approved frames and patterns of communication?
- Self-Love and the Ego: Why True Self-Love is Valid and Key
Nevertheless, it's safe to say we all possess a degree of ego, whether we choose to display it or not Any relationship based on any type of goodwill must include some degree of vulnerability.
- In the Ocean Of Truth (And Philosocom's Directory On Truth and Honesty)
Skarr Allegory (Or, On Hiding From Honesty) Why The Truth Isn't Always Interesting -- The Bored Man's Fallacy