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348 items found
- The Rubinshteinic Guide to Mental Survival
And I'm not going to gamble my life away due to a fallacy I devised .
- How Philosophers Can Be Good Assets For Companies
Some philosophers present logical and well-supported ideas, while others might rely on fallacies and/ Flawless Flaw-Finders: Philosophers are natural "logic detectives", adept at spotting fallacies in reasoning
- Furthermore on Loneliness & Being Alone -- How to Understand Loneliness & Its Counterparts
notion that every person craves a socializing is generalizing, and can often lead to the whole person fallacy
- The Rubinshteinic Method To Fight Back A World of Superficiality
However, the fact that something is limited or flawed, does not mean we should discard it (Nirvana Fallacy Learn Logic: Study logic to improve your reasoning skills and avoid logical fallacies.
- How Infantility is Normalized, and How to Attain More Respect
There is this logical fallacy.
- The Devil's Mark Dilemma And Ethical Dilemmas Directory
with Masculinity in Today's Society The Problem With Destiny -- How It Could be Risky The Newcomer's Fallacy
- The Philosophy of Coercion -- How It Corrupts Society Through Normalization -- Its Ironic Origin
Due to the authority fallacy , it is easier to surrender our admiration to people or groups who have We may condemn our various degrees of leadership which form our organizations, but we need to remember Nous pouvons condamner les différents degrés de leadership qui composent nos organisations, mais nous
- 3 Different Songs With Extracted Wisdom
of media, we can easily reject a piece's philosophical depth, turning such labels into a straw man's fallacy
- System of Illusion -- Reality as Application (By Igal Shenderey)
A tool that can have different degrees of functionality, in relation to our ambitions.
- Drawing the Line in Rubinshteinic Individualism
acknowledgement of the dangers of excessive isolation , highlighting the importance of balance and some degree
- The Factors of Unhappiness (And a Possible Solution)
This is an issue I believe I am capable of solving, after the fallacy I mentioned.
- Being "Small" and Reputation -- A Critique of Societal Priorities
Many would use the strawman's fallacy to discard the importance of people they don't honestly care or
- How to Detect Inevitable Possibilities & Why It's Important
If you commit murder, for example, it is a point of no return where you're always likely, to a degree
- 4 Ways of Identifying Pseudo-Intellectuals
They base their arguments on sound reasoning, avoiding logical fallacies that cloud judgement.
- On the Path of Philosophership -- The Importance of Inclusion
very term "giant of philosophy," (or " Great Fathers ") when measured by mere popularity, sins in the fallacy
- On Common Decency -- How To Spread It to The World
even if they are morally-low themselves, is morally-low by itself, and also the strawman's logical fallacy
- Truth, Opinion and PC Culture -- A Debate On Sensitivity and Honesty
I am only bringing this up because ad-hominem is a very popular logical fallacy used by plenty of people
- The Bane of the Sensitive -- Push Notifications
supporting a technologically-advancing world due to its mere developments is a product of the progression fallacy
- The Mystery of Dreams & What Can We Learn From Them
Said insights can be applicable to reality and even hold some degree of practicality.
- The Rise and Fall of My Education; Why It Matters to You
, I kind of "fell between the chairs," not being able to pick certain jobs because they required a degree
- Humanity and Personhood: The Best and the Worst (and How to Avoid Dehumanizing)
By avoiding the commitment of these same moral fallacies, we are able to transcend the cycle of suffering Doing so, on a collective degree, has the potential for a more benevolent future.
- Survival and Merit - Finding Purpose in Life's Continuation
Hence the eternity fallacy.
- My Philosophy on Genius
Genius, and being aware of it, commands a certain degree of authority.
- The "42" Anecdote -- Exploring Douglas Adams' Masterpiece
The reason is simple: philosophy, unlike mathematics or science, involves a degree of subjectivity.
- How to Solve The Double Edge of Uniqueness
The claim that "We all Want to Fit In" is therefore a product of the generalization fallacy.