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  • The Degree Fallacy -- A Critique Towards Exclusivity

    "The Degree Fallacy" is a bias in judging a person's character or intelligence based solely on their Also, an academic degree only makes a person knowledgeable in a field of study. Getting an academic degree can be too stressful and expensive for some people. John Duran The Value of a Degree Academic degrees are currently one of the most concrete proofs that I'd like to call this bias "The Degree Fallacy" because there are still a few things we should remember

  • Existence, Necessity and Potential -- The Bodybuilder Argument/Fallacy and How To Understand Potential

    See how is this a fallacy? (The Degree Fallacy) Beyond reading lengthy books. Understanding The Argument's Fallacy The Bodybuilder Argument confuses opportunity as destiny. The Bodybuilder Argument a product of "The Way Things Are" Fallacy. Orders, including one's from our intuition's authority fallacy ...

  • The Arcane and Causal Fallacy

    themselves are mere symbols, devoid of objective meaning (whose existence is proven by the strawman's fallacy But beneath this alluring mystique lies a subtle illusion: the causal fallacy, also known as the questionable The core of this fallacy lies in our tendency to perceive correlation as causation.

  • The Psychopath's Fallacy -- Why Emotions Are Important

    I'd like to try and introduce a new concept I call " The Psychopath's Fallacy ," which essentially means Ignoring someone's emotions completely is a fallacy I saw a lot of people make when they attempted to (And they can easily turn such assessments of others into a strawman's fallacy ).

  • The Fallacy of Circular Logic -- Why It's Used

    (Background music) Breaking the Fallacious Circle Circular logic, a common logical fallacy in everyday The sheer number of logical fallacies , and the ever-evolving nature of philosophical discourse , can The Way Things Are Fallacy Circular reasoning often manifests in a specific, frustrating way. This fallacy occurs when someone attempts to shut down discussion by claiming something is simply "how The Way Things Are Fallacy is problematic for a few reasons: False Closure:  It creates a false sense

  • Pre-Digital Elitism's Fall & Rise of Armchair Intellects

    The Degree Fallacy. Access to gatekeeped information doesn't equate to expertise.   On the other hand, the value of degrees should not be underestimated when the degrees offer relevence In today's world, Socrates might be told to get a job or a degree. As such I consider myself educated despite not having any degrees . If I believed in the falsehood of the Degree Fallacy as a necessary truth , I would've committed something

  • "The Way Things Are" Fallacy -- Why Change Is Deserved

    résolus simplement parce qu’ils sont devenus le statu quo, alors que certains d’entre nous ont un certain degré et plus juste. ******************************** (English version, original) (Background music) The fallacy the world should not be enabled just because they became the status quo, when some of us have some degree It's the same fallacy that doesn't justify an all powerful empire to dominate the world and enslave natives

  • How to Distinguish Your Allies -- The Parasocial Fallacy

    Thinking otherwise is a fallacy. Children may be particularly susceptible to this variant of the parasocial fallacy. So, how can we overcome the parasocial fallacy? I would argue that an illegitimate emotion might as well only be used as a logical fallacy. This, I believe, is the heart of the parasocial fallacy in many modern interactions.

  • The Time Lapse Fallacy -- A Look At Logic And Philosophy

    Philosocom's Subcategory On the Past) (Background music) Remembering Like a Crow: Why The Time Lapse Fallacy This enduring power of the past is what I call the Lapse Fallacy: the flawed assumption that merely

  • The Victory Fallacy -- How Achievement Can Deceive

    The same logic provided in this fallacy can be applied in its inverted case as well. The Exception The only exception to this fallacy is when a victory is ensured, or in other words, when If one's power is strong enough to the point that absolute victory is ensured, then the victory fallacy Therefore, the victory fallacy is not true at all times. The victory fallacy cannot apply when absolute victory will occur.

  • The "Written/Spoken Word" Fallacy -- A Major Error

    This fallacy can be called the "Written/Spoken Word" Fallacy ; it is perhaps one of the biggest fallacies The Written/Spoken Word Fallacy is not identical to the Authority Fallacy. This fallacy is most evident when it comes to holy scriptures, as well. This, by the way, can lead to the bored man's fallacy.

  • The Newcomer's Fallacy -- The Problem With Those New to Philosophy

    That derails the whole practical point of the field by a strawman's fallacy. And all it takes to overcome this fallacy, is the ability to build up some foresight before making inquiry

  • How The Strawman's Fallacy Correlates With Objective Importance

    The Strawman's Fallacy is a common logical fallacy that happens when a being or thing is either distorted Physical examples of this fallacy exist in military warfare. And a strawman's fallacy cannot exist without incorrect estimations. The strawman's fallacy may be combined with other fallacies, such as the ad-hominem fallacy, where you Combine this fallacy with the ad-populum fallacy, and you can make a mockery out of something or someone

  • How to "Escape" Confrontations -- The Philosophy of Whataboutism (Logical Fallacy)

    Tamara Moskal's Summary "Whataboutism" is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's A fallacy derived from whateboutism can be false equivalence. fallacy is an error in one's reasoning, a flaw in our thinking. Being more prone to deception by those who use these fallacies against us or to manipulate us. The fallacy lies in avoiding the original question by pointing fingers at a supposed hypocrisy.

  • Whole Person Fallacy: Its Impact on Our Understanding

    (Background music) Judging Individuals On a Single-Shot Basis Perhaps one of the easiest fallacies when It's a fallacy when the estimation is based on insufficient evidence to make such a judgment. So is what I'd like to present as the Whole Person Fallacy, a variable to the generalization fallacy, unbiased evidence ." ( . Wrote an article was too boring ( which is its own fallacy )?

  • The Nirvana Fallacy -- Why "We're Just Humans" is Irrelevant In Logic

    This fallacy occurs when someone compares a practical solution to a perfect but unrealistic alternative The "Perfect Solution" fallacy , another name for the Nirvana Fallacy, suggests that since perfection Using the Nirvana Fallacy to avoid challenging tasks deprives us of potential rewards. The perfectionist takes this fallacy with a great liking, especially if they are not aware of this fallacy If it is an action which other people can do, does this not disprove the fallacy's logic?

  • Why We Shouldn't Be Too Desperate -- The Russian Roulette Fallacy

    A successful series of rewarding experiences could lead to the victory fallacy , but I digress. When we realize that we don't have to increase our risks any further, the fallacy of this argument becomes The Fallacy in Question By ruminating on this subject, I came up with a fallacy I'd like to call the Russian Roulette Fallacy. The fallacy I devised teaches us this: That we should never be too desperate, or we may die as a result

  • The Delusion of Financial Materialism -- Why It's Fallacious (And Philosocom's Subcategory On Shallowness)

    (Background music) (The Subcategory Directory: The Usage of Shallowness The Necessary "Evil" of The World -- Shallowness -- Why I Try to Reduce It The Fort of Shallow (Poem) The Hole Inside of Me -- How I Live In Alma Deshakra (The Vain Reality) The Rubinshteinic Method To Fight Back A World of Superficiality ) To be frank with you all, I'm not a generally happy person. Whenever I'm not sad, I'm either lost in my thoughts or exhausted by this work (and I'm working by choice). Sure, there are times of joy here and there, but in general, there is... I don't know what, exactly, as I'm too busy being lost in my thoughts. We have reached a very advanced state of materiality in this world, as humanity. Many of us are in front of screens much of the day, which offer us access to the deepest archive ever known to mankind. It might as well be the biggest archive in the known universe -- the internet. Assemble a group of cats and fast-forward 2000 or 3000 years. What are the odds that they will ever be able to reach the advanced technological state of humanity? What about any other species on this planet? It's funny that regardless of our endeavors to advance technology and our wealth, we still fail at the very basic thing of being happy for long periods of time . I mean, some of us do achieve this state of mind, but when there is so much noise, stress, and density in the places where most humans live, one can't help but wonder, is there a point to all of the marvels we have accumulated over time? I refer, of course, to our own genuine happiness. If anything, we are programmed to survive, not to be happy. I look at the kid version of myself, who had a PS2, and I look at the young adult me, who has a PS4. Does it really matter, in the quest for happiness , whatever generation of gaming console you have? It doesn't really matter, because as long as one is having fun, that's all there is to games, unless it's your job to record yourself playing or something. What I'm trying to point out is that I've grown tired of people boasting about how technologically advanced they are , how high their salaries are, whether or not their houses have swimming pools, and so on. What does it all matter, when the human heart eventually grows oblivious to one's perks in life? Look at all the objects around you. How many of them are you actually aware of on a regular basis? Each book you might not read any longer, each ornament you keep in your rooms. Eventually, the human mind just learns by itself to see these things as normal , and when it does so, these things don't really have a point beyond their initial excitement, correct? Don't take me wrong. I like playing, having internet access, and watching different VODs. I like making my own coffee and having my own cat follow me around the small apartment. Most importantly, I love the fact that I can block external sound using headphones, because that's almost the only thing that makes me feel safe, as I'm sensitive to sound. But still, whenever these great perks cross my mind, over and over again, I feel no genuine joy coming from my heart. I feel no emotional gratitude, not because I'm not grateful, but because the feeling itself, which is beyond me, does not rise, no matter how hard I think of the things that I love in life. I'll be honest once more. I've never had over a million of my local currency, which is far smaller in USD, but still, I'm very doubtful that material wealth will get me the happiness I'd like to have. Why? Because the concept of financial materialism is delusional. It claims that it is wealth that matters to one's mental being, while one might find many rich people who lead miserable lives , or are under constant stress. How, then, can you tell me that there is a connection between the accumulation of wealth and happiness? I thus came to a point in my life where I'm no longer impressed by people's income, whenever I see them on the news, and that includes the status symbolism of their professions. Just lately, I saw on the news someone who is described as one of the most important CEOs in the world his company's contribution to the world? Making toys. No offense to anyone working in the toy industry, but I genuinely don't see the importance of being the CEO of a toy company when even the poorest of craftsmen can make you a decent toy. Why make things so unnecessarily complex? Go to even the humblest of toy stores, and you can get a toy for your child and get it over with, as you'll also support a local business. Apparently, in this world, it is better to be luxurious and important than to be valued by the contribution you make to the world. In other words: It is more important to make money and be deemed successful, rather than giving objective value in whatever you're producing/working at. After all, many of us have the mindset of mercenaries . Some of us may value people who make more money, than people who contribute more than usual. I'm aware that I can be far "richer" than I already am, but I see no need to. If we return to the PlayStation analogy, I don't think my mood will change permanently if I even replace my PS4 with a PS5, even though I can afford it. I don't even understand why I should "upgrade" to a "better" console. This term, "upgrade", is a very delusional one. What are you upgrading that you already have on your phone or any other device that is as usable as it should be? All of these minor, yet expensive adjustments, what value do they actually have to the human mind once the mind renders them "normal"? That's the so-called "dangerous" rendering of it all. The acceptance of something advanced being as normal as your average chair or table. Those who say "there is nothing that is taken for granted" might ignore the fact that everything can, in one way or another, become granted regardless of our own whim. After all, we need to focus on other aspects in life, in order to survive. One can practice mindfulness meditation to increase awareness , and yet, it does not contradict the importance of moving on to other plans and ambitions in life, all in the name of survival. Be honest with yourselves: how much do you see your computers, phones, and tablets, more important than any other item or piece of furniture you use around your house, around any framework you work or study under? Once you've grown to take whatever thing for granted, that's it. You'll either "have" to stay with whatever you have, or put yourself in a loop of seeking new things to fuel your short-term excitement. I'm sorry for my pessimism, but financial materialism is, for the most part, a delusion you get so you can pay more for things you don't need, to replace them, with things you might already have. So what will it be with me? Ironically enough, because I'm an ascetic , I'll only become wealthier simply because I don't have many things to pay for, either by need or want. The things that I already pay for, get covered by welfare money. If I pay "too much", I just wait a few months, and I'm back to "normal". I'll only get "richer" simply because I don't usually like paying for things I know aren't that necessary for me. Do so yourself, and you might reach my state even if you don't live on welfare or gain welfare. That's the Rubinshteinic way to get "rich" for you.

  • Why I Left WhatsApp -- The Fallacy of Progression (AKA Appeal to Novelty)

    and contemporary examples to illustrate its logical fallacy. (Background music) Introduction to the Fallacy The fallacy of progression (AKA the appeal to novelty ) is one that many of us may not be aware of that is even a fallacy. The progression fallacy/appeal to novelty fallacy is fallacious because our conception of progression Fallacies are there to be learned from, not to be repeated.

  • Fake News and the Authority Fallacy -- Why Curiosity Trumps As the Engine of Knowledge-Seeking

    Behind the Suits and Degrees: Deconstructing the Authority Concept And yet, there are people whose titles Since it's also true in philosophy, it's been given the title "the authority fallacy".

  • The Eternity Fallacy -- Why Doom Isn't That Bad, and the Value of Being Mattered

    Reflections on Legacy in a Finite Universe There's a bittersweet irony in crafting a legacy, isn't there? We pour our hearts and souls into building monuments, writing stories, and preserving traditions, even though we know that existence is bound to demise from the very beginning . Even with a library of 2,000 crafted articles I plan to leave as a minimum, or historic empires lasting for centuries, time is a great teacher, but it's a shame it kills off each and every one of its students. He leaves no one alive forever. Planets have a lifespan of their own. They do not last forever. As long as we won't be able to leave the Solar System, and colonize a new system , our fates and the fates of our projects are forever sealed with those of the planets on which we reside. Therefore, when they die, we will die too, unless we, as a species, even get to survive that long. Preservation of traditions and legacies is somewhat "funny" because there is no true hope of eternity in anything that we will ever do. There is no such thing as a true "immortalization" as long as we stand upon ground that is doomed to demise by the inevitable decay of the sun. Even satellites that we may send to outer space with containers of their own are susceptible to destruction by whatever danger lies in their path -- asteroids, gravity, storms, explosions, and so on. Outer space is a pretty dangerous place, especially for humans. We are, technically, in outer space. It's like claiming that North Korea isn't a part of the world, even though it is a piece of land on Earth, just because it is a hermit state. Even after a million years of safety, nothing ensures that no comet will crash on Earth and wipe out much of its life. So, we can safely say that not only existence is not eternal, but it can also end at any moment. And if not existence in general, then specific features of it. Depend too much on anything or anyone in this world, and you'll risk the implications of unnecessary dependence. To put it simply, not even the multi-generational preservation of legacies like my own can ensure its own eternity. Unless we get to colonize other planets, and eventually leave the Solar System, we will be doomed by the time this planet or the Sun will die. We all live on borrowed time. We "borrow" this time from hiding from dangers. And I am too wise to take risks of intense gravitude. Nor on my life in general, nor on my mentality. Adversity remains my greatest teacher. Finding Meaning in a Finite World This is where nihilism comes in: It whispers in the shadows, reminding us that everything fades, from childhood memories to civilizations. It argues that this inevitable end renders life meaningless, a justification for apathy or even true evil . I'm not referring only to death but to extinction, destruction, and annihilation of anything, for anything is destructible . The nihilistic premise is that everything and everyone doesn't matter because they all end someday, and there is absolutely nothing we can do to change that fact. For nothing is certain, but change. The only absolution that is change can serve as the breeding grounds for the disregard for any objective meaning among nihilists and would-be nihilists. In the absence of a concrete, objective meaning to govern our lives, there is allegedly a justification for the behavior of characters such as The Joker and Kefka from "Final Fantasy 6", in real life. This is how dangerous nihilism can get, with its disregard of any order of any kind. To mentally survive and maintain my sanity, I refuse being a nihilist myself. Hence the power of ideology, whether it is based on the truth or is false. It is in their nature to serve a function, as fundamental as it can get. Likewise, this site won't last forever, as will the host that provides it , the country that contains it, the region it resides in, and so on. The nihilistic conclusion, which comes from said premise, is to either give up on life, and risk entering into what I call, " the Darkness DIlemma ", or devolve into a total jerk who has absolutely no values or respect for anything or anyone. Thus, in the absence of objective meaning, moral depravity is technically justified. The topic of religion attempts to defend itself by suggesting three possibilities: eternal salvation , eternal damnation, or (eternal?) reincarnation . If the religion you're supporting (or born into) is indeed the correct and true one, you will gain the first (salvation and even paradise ); if you do not, you will be cursed with the second (reincarnation. In Judaism one can regard it as a series of something called a "Tikkun" ). Finally, if karma/dharma is true on the universal scale , then you will reincarnate regardless of your actions, for it is believed that the soul is eternal and transcends physical existence. Of course, it matters not if it is believed, as belief is different from what we're doing here: the study of truth . It only matters if it's true. But, regardless if the eternity of the soul exists or if there are in fact souls ( and not as metaphors ), we shouldn't bother ourselves with lamenting the lack of eternity in this universe and in our lives and civilization. That is simply because things don't have to be eternal in order for them to be worth something to us. Personal Reflections I had a wonderful childhood, for example, but I am aware that it will never return, for there is no greater graveyard than the past . I do not delude myself into thinking that I will once again return from school to my mother's apartment, eat lunch, and play Suikoden IV on my PS2 on my cube-shaped TV. In truth, the nostalgia bias might affect my vision, as I experimented with it. Therefore, regardless of my nostalgia , I have prepared myself for the fact that this period in my life will not return; a period that is nowadays considered "retro", and, in time, will become "ancient", just like games from the 80s and 90s. I also had another game, an online one, where I actually made an organization of a few dozen real people and called it "Storm Alpha Squad". It was my first ever venture on the internet, and my first attempt at running a larger powerbase. That game eventually got shut down more than a decade ago, and is now run on illegal servers, which I do not intend to use. I might not play that game anymore, but that fact does not eradicate the fun I had and the memories that followed. Conclusion Do not submit to the death of the past, when much potential from it, can be mined for the actualization of a greater future. Do not submit the tempting thought, that it might nowadays be a useless feature to ever consider significantly again. For power is everything . And so is anything that can matter enough, to fuel an entire industrial complex. To last as long as possible, And to give as much significance to this world, Hail Philosocom Article Empire.

  • Why Men and Women Can Be Friends -- The Fallacies That Hinder Our Understanding of Humans

    This belief, however, falls prey to a well-known logical fallacy: the generalization fallacy, and more specifically, the whole-person fallacy. The whole-person fallacy occurs when we make broad conclusions about a person based on insufficient data Here's why the fallacy of "men and women can't be friends" crumbles under lambasting: Flawed Foundation Using Jim and Pam's story, or any single anecdote, to prove mere anecdotes as logical fallacy.

  • Why The Truth Isn't Always Interesting -- The Bored Man's Fallacy -- How Feelings Stand In the Way

    Introducting the Fallacy The "Bored Man's Fallacy" occurs when we dismiss facts or insights simply because All fallacies are, by definition, flawed in their reasoning. Therefore, there exists a degree of value that is independent of points of comparisons. For example, dismissing a movie as "bad" solely because it bores us falls prey to this fallacy. Unfortunately, the solution to this fallacy lies outside our direct control.

  • The Drug Lords Fallacy -- The Philosophy of Moritz Zimmerman's Redemption -- Why We Need to Work On Ourselves Over Getting Power

    The Drug Lord's fallacy is the false assumption that success will grant you love and respect. However, the fallacy in his thinking was the belief he would be loved by his former girlfriend should Redemption: How the Drug Lord's Fallacy is Solved The Drug Lord's fallacy is one I am coining in this To quote Marc Wallace : Love is something that is built over time.

  • The Philosophy of Work -- Profession and Occupation

    Although I have no degrees, I am an auto-didact, and much of my expertise stems from experience. However, I find it very problematic because of the degree fallacy, which is an idea I devised. However, in order to be a philosophy professor, it is inevitable that one must have the relevant degrees That's the positive aspect of not needing degrees in this field.

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