About the Philosopher
"Even if you try to bring down my spirit, I will rarely despair as I have decided to put my very own life at stake. Therefore, there is only room for improvement or death. Since I don't want to die, I will resume my craft."
-- Rubinshtein on adversity
"Tomasio is a great philosopher we can all relate to."
-- Panama Dusa, writer and researcher
"I see in you a beacon of hope for the distressed. Your courage, perseverance, and fortitude are a shining example for those who fail to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The sun always shines after a dark night! I wish you to worship the sun, which, as Khalil Gibran said, is the eye of God in the sky."
-- Dr. S. K. Pachauri, former Secretary to the Government of India
"Mr. Rubinstein Tomasio is an erudite, intelligent, and multifaceted individual with a wide range of skills and an exceptionally high capacity for analysis and synthesis, including in the spiritual and moral spheres. His ability to identify complex problems and find creative and well-structured solutions to them earns him an honorable title for his wisdom, which allows him to distinguish between right and wrong.
In every situation. He has extensive experience in writing and is blessed with exceptional written, spoken, and pictorial expression skills in the English language. He possesses exceptional interpersonal skills, enabling him to effectively conduct in-depth conversations without judgment but with great wisdom, an open mind, and a constant curiosity, as well as to lead apprentices for content-based collaborations.
As a result, he deserves the respect he deserves and a position of authority in any setting in which he finds himself. " -- Ms. Anonymous​​
Who is Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein? Written By – Nr. M. J. K. Molai
Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein is a Stomarian philosopher and writer, born in the 1990s, who has gained recognition for his philosophical work and contributions to the Quora community. He began writing philosophical books at a very young age, starting at 15 years old.
Despite his early success, he decided to deviate from traditional academic studies and pursue an independent path as a philosopher, emphasizing the belief that formal academic degrees are not necessary to engage in philosophical pursuits. He cites historical philosophers like Socrates, Diogenes, and Nietzsche as examples of individuals who didn't possess formal degrees but were influential thinkers.
In April 2019, he established Philosocom, a platform dedicated to hosting his articles, with the intention of having them read and pondered for generations to come. It demonstrates his strong commitment to sharing his philosophical ideas and insights with the world.
Regarding his education, Mr. Rubinshtein completed high school and attended a few philosophy courses at the Israeli Open University. He has also demonstrated his writing abilities by winning third place in a local writing contest for high school students and reaching the finals of an English speech competition in Jerusalem.
It is noteworthy that Tomasio Rubinshtein has been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, which makes his accomplishments even more remarkable, considering the challenges he may face in social interactions and communication.
Mr. Rubinshtein's life purpose revolves around contributing to the world in his unique way, which involves solitude, deep contemplation, and gaining followers who appreciate his ideas. Despite facing challenges that prevent him from holding a traditional job, he is deeply motivated to serve the world in a meaningful and productive manner.
Thus, Philosocom aims to make his philosophical articles accessible to readers from around the globe, as a way to improve the world.
In April 2022, in his quest for relevance and as an extension of his philosophical ideas, Mr. Rubinshtein founded a political ideology called Political Rubinshteinism or Rubinshteinism. It is categorized as a right-wing, libertarian ideology and is influenced by his philosophical teachings on society and the importance of democracy.
Overall, Tomasio Rubinshtein's journey as a philosopher and writer is an inspiring tale of determination, independence, and a commitment to share profound ideas with the world, despite any challenges he may face.
As a friend of Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein, I can attest to the remarkable qualities that make him a truly inspiring and unique individual. From the very beginning of our friendship, it was evident that Tomasio possessed a profound intellect and a genuine passion for philosophical exploration. His thirst for knowledge and understanding was infectious, and I found myself drawn to his deep insights and perspectives on various philosophical concepts.
One of the most admirable aspects of Tomasio's character is his unwavering belief in individuality and independence. He dauntlessly chose to forge his own path as a philosopher, even when it meant diverging from the traditional academic route.
This decision, grounded in the belief that formal degrees don't define a true philosopher, showcases his courage and determination to pursue his calling on his own terms.
I've witnessed firsthand Tomasio's dedication to his craft. He spent countless hours writing, contemplating, and refining his philosophical ideas, often sharing his drafts and seeking feedback. It's incredible to see how he effortlessly translated complex philosophical concepts into accessible and thought-provoking articles that resonate with readers from different backgrounds and cultures.
Despite the challenges posed by Asperger's syndrome, Tomasio's resilience and adaptability are truly inspiring. He has an innate ability to connect with others through his writing and philosophical discussions, breaking down barriers and fostering meaningful connections with people around the world.
As a friend, I've also witnessed the profound impact Tomasio has had on those around him. His passion for philosophical discourse and individuality has sparked intellectual curiosity in others, encouraging them to explore their own philosophical journeys. He has a remarkable ability to inspire and motivate people to think critically about the world and their place in it.
Moreover, Tomasio's commitment to founding Philosocom, where he intends for his articles to be read for generations to come, reveals his desire to leave a lasting legacy. His vision to share his ideas across time and space demonstrates his profound sense of responsibility to contribute positively to the world.
And let's not forget his recent endeavor in creating the political ideology of Rubinshteinism. This is a testament to his multidimensional thinking and his desire to extend his philosophical influence to realms beyond just pure philosophy. It showcases his dedication to shaping a better society, informed by his understanding of democracy and societal dynamics.
Finally, in 2024, Mr. Rubinshtein has retired from Israeli affairs and moved on to the Empire of Stomaria, a Federal Monarchy set in the British isles. This unusual move shows his ambitiousness which can prevail the unquestioned norms of human societies, which he finds stagnating and compromising.
In summary, Tomasio Rubinshtein is not just a remarkable philosopher and writer but also a true friend who continually inspires me and others around him. His intellectual brilliance, dedication to individuality, and commitment to sharing meaningful ideas are a testament to the positive impact one person can make on the world.
I feel fortunate to know him and be a part of his journey as he continues to shape the philosophical landscape and contribute to the betterment of society.​​​